Happy Looks Beautiful

Nov 18, 20214 min

A SLICE OF CALM BEFORE THE STORM - TOP 10 tips to protect your inner peace as the festive season

It was only a couple of weeks ago you were minding your own business getting your bits in the supermarket when...did your eyes deceive you…? There they were - A PACKET OF MINCE PIES!!! Wait, What?!! You did a double-take. Your eyes slowly move over the entire shelf. Boxes of Quality Street and Heroes, assorted flavours of Lindt and Ferrero Roche. Gold flecked Gin bottles and tins of Shortland biscuits. And just like that…The Christmas Season is upon us!

Whether you’re excited or dreading it, it’s on its way. Here are my top 10 tips to keep calm for the upcoming season. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Health - Top of the list. The last couple of years have been a bit up and down and if you are anything like me, it’s been a struggle to get fully back on track in terms of sticking to healthy habits. In the lead up to Christmas, it is so easy to overindulge. By all means, enjoy the treats! Just remember to stay hydrated and try to be mindful about what you consume to avoid feeling continually sluggish and bloated throughout December. Remember food is fuel so cram in those high-value foods where you can!

2. Money - While we are on the subject of consumption. It is so important to be clear, BEFORE you start shopping, on your budget for the season. Decide how much you are going to spend and stick to it. You might choose to leave presents and appreciate your loved ones' company and the time together. (Maybe even gift them a #HLBMoment?!...just saying😉It has been a strange couple of years so perhaps do things differently this year. Just do what is best for you and your family.

Talking about our budgets and waistlines, it doesn’t hurt to consider the impact on the environment. Try not to buy too much in the first place - food and presents (I mean, think of all that food and packaging waste - it all counts). And you’ll feel fantastic doing your bit for the good of our planet. Let’s-a-gets a little eco happy, Lovies.

3. Declutter - Now's the best time to get in some Hygge. Out with the old and in with the new to make space for appreciation, celebration and indulgence. It's another opportunity to be mindful. Spruce your home so you can enjoy the time, celebrate and get comfy when it’s cold outside. Snuggle up!

Which leads me to the Mindset Tips…

4. Set Boundaries - I know you’ve heard this before but I am saying it again. There is nothing wrong with saying no. Be it your friends insisting on another night out or family overstaying their welcome. You are absolutely allowed to step away if something is not working for you. Trust yourself, if you feel uncomfortable, you’ll know. And you will feel great for sticking up for yourself too. What better way to indulge yourself than to do what works for you eh?

5. Positive Self-talk - Here’s an easy micro-habit for ya! Have a deal with yourself from now until 31st December...Any mirror you walk past, you give yourself a wink and smile and say “Hey Beautiful” to your reflection and mean it. Do this and see how you feel at the end of the year. It may feel silly at first, but bear with me, by 1st January 2022, your consistent, self-talk will have effortlessly set you up with some positivity for the new year.

6. Let Negativity Go! At a time when the nights are cold and dark, let’s appreciate the light! Move on and don’t linger in things that make you feel crap. Head up and eyes forward. Yeah, I know it ain’t easy, but we are what we think. Don’t hold on to stuff, if it doesn’t go the way you wanted it to, or how you pictured it, or you didn’t say what you wanted to at that time - Let It Go. Yeah, you felt a bit wrong for saying no earlier, but worry not - My Lovely - let’s keep it moving.

7. Give yourself a break - Take a long bath or long shower. Book a massage or give yourself a mindful hand or foot massage. Go for a walk or run. Oh and don’t beat yourself up about perhaps not sticking to your usual exercise routine. Do what you can fit in. Exercise can be hard to stick to when there are so many get-togethers at this time of year. Just give yourself a break, feet up, sit back - time out.

8. Take a #HLBmoment- All this, ‘give yourself a break’ talk is easier said than done. If you find you’re caught up in the (Christmas) madness - take a moment to breathe. Take slow, deep breaths and maybe indulge in some meditation time. Y'all know how much I go on about this, but it’s a gift that keeps on giving because - it works!

9. Enjoy! By this, I mean enjoy each moment. Be it - surrounded by others. Or by yourself. If you are on your own - Enjoy your own company. Enjoy the feeling of completely suiting yourself and doing exactly and totally what YOU want to do.

10. Be Silly! I’ll leave that one up to you. You have an excuse - It’s Christmas!

Basically, My Lovely...Make your wellbeing a priority - no one else will. You DO YOU and feel good about it. This time of year gives many women mixed feelings and obligations, it is easy for some of us to forget ourselves. Tension and anxiety build as we’re bombarded with adverts and marketing on how we are supposed to celebrate and what the ‘perfect’ Christmas is.

But, why not just choose how You want to experience the time and enjoy it the way You want?

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