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Service Description
SelfCare neglect is a silent destroyer of self worth and productivity. It creeps up on you over time and before you know it, you are stressed, feeling frustrated, anxious doing too much for other people and not enough for yourself. A lot of us don’t even realise our SelfCare is affected until we start to see the physical signs or feel ill. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can take care of ourselves, we just need a little help sometimes. Well done for getting this far. You’ve taken the step, as you want things to change. Your FREE 30min SELFCARE CHECK UP is a relaxed chat with me, where we talk about YOU. Space to focus your needs, where you are at and where you would like to be. HLB got you. Talk soon! What others say about the SELFCARE CHECK UP. "Wow! This was so cathartic, I really really enjoyed that. I really need more of this." "This has been by far the best conversation about my own wellbeing in years!" "This is like, so what I needed. I feel so much better already. You've help clarify things." "I didn't realise, that was my style, it makes a lot of sense. That has helped me so much." " It was very therapeutic." "Oh my goodness, that's the first time I've really thought about my needs like that. I'm so busy pushing through and doing so well in my job. I never really allowed much time to focus on what I actually need. Thank you Sophia."

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