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The Confidence & Public Speaking Wokshop on Saturday July 27th 9:30am - 5pm is an interactive experience that is designed to envoke curiosity, creativity, confidence, self-discovery, and outer exploration of women's voices. Activities to help you build confidence, own your voice and share your authetic self.

This workshop will take you on a journey to discover your voice as a tool, and how to use it to advocate, speak confidently and effectively communicate.

Each individual experience will be different. Each woman will make progress. Many women attend this workshop to boost their confidence, practice using their voice more effectively and learn tools for letting go.


To build confidence

Overcome self doubt

Interactive activities

Learn new skills in a practical way

Trying something new

Step outside their comfort zone

To feel stronger

Develop their authentic voice

Practice public speaking

Take time for themselves


What will you do & learn:

Various activities - Explore the power of body language, vocal tone and gestures.

Work individually - Craft your own speech by the end of the session

Learn techniques - On how to come across well

JULY 27th - Full Day Confidnce & Public Speaking Course

  • What will you do and learn:

    Various activities - Explore the power of body language, vocal tone and gestures.

    Work individually - Craft your own speech by the end of the session

    Learn techniques - On how to come across well

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